The Pay Tab Overview

The Pay tab is the interface for paying expense reports, as well as exporting data to other systems via custom exports, ACH, Web Connector (QBD), Web Services and Paychex Flex®. Only the Payer and delegated users have access to this section controlled by the ExpenseWire System Administrator.

General Guidance

A user that has been set up as a Payer by the ExpenseWire System Administrator can use this interface to process approved expense reports. From the Pay tab, expense reports can be processed for payment, direct deposits can be authorized, batches can be exported to other systems, and a full history of payments can be reviewed.

Payment Process Stages Defined

Approved: Expenses display all the approved expense reports currently waiting for payment. From here the Payer may view details, make adjustments, print expense reports, review receipts and notes, determine if an expense has ACH enabled or if the expense is Paychex Flex® payroll eligible and observe the history of the expense report originator. The Payer can also mark for payment specific expense reports to begin the payment process.

Batches Pending: From the approved list, when expense reports are selected into a new batch, the batch enters into Pending status until it is processed for payment.



To review the details of an expense report, click the name in the Expense column to drill to the expense report. To return to the pay screen, click the Pay tab at the top of the system.

To contact a user, hover over the user's name to see their contact information.

To remove an expense report from the batch, click the Drop icon on the desired row. This removes it from the batch and returns that expense report to the Approved status.

To leave a batch and return later, click Exit Batch. This leaves the batch in pending status.


Batches Processing: Allows the Payer to perform the necessary functions to pay the approved expense reports.


Batches Paid: After all expense reports in a batch have been advanced to paid as outlined above, the batch itself will move to the batches paid folder. All paid batches will remain in this final status.


Pay with Payroll and Other non-ACH paid expense reports can be reversed while in the processing or paid status. This may be necessary if information was processed to Paychex Flex payroll, then a check containing that expense information gets deleted, you would then have to reverse that ExpenseWire so that it could be processed into a new batch.


Unverified Receipts: Lists all expense reports with unverified receipts. The Payer or Approver can click the Verified checkbox to mark the expense report’s receipts verified and remove it from this list.

Batches in Error: If items are returned due to an error, the error is displayed. Batches with an error are placed into the Batches in Errors folder. Open the batch to review the affected expense reports.


Batches that have payroll eligible or ACH expense items will see a payroll transaction or ACH transaction button that will provide greater details.


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